Our Mission


To create partnerships and collaborations that will foster the conditions of refugees and internally displaced children to access quality education that enables them to learn, thrive and develop their full potential to effectively contribute in society.


Inclusion of refugee and internally displaced children and youth in equitable quality education that contributes to resilience and prepares them for participation in cohesive societies.


  • Facilitate the attendance of formal schools by displaced children in host communities.
  • Build alliances and partnerships with churches and civil society actors to host and cater for refugees and displaced children through foster-care.
  • Create and maintain relationships with key governments and tertiary institutions to host refugees and displaced children.
  • Link children and their families to relevant service providers to address needs beyond education





Everyday, millions of African children are being robed of their destinies and their dreams shattered by the many wars throughout the continent.

We aim to restore their stolen dreams, dignity and aspirations.