Partner With Us



Projects funded by MwanAfrika are exclusively implemented via registered partners in the project countries and localities, because we strongly believe in their expertise and ability to reach out to the most vulnerable and marginalized target groups. Local partners understand their specific context including specific local culture, customs and traditions best. They are rooted in their communities and know how to engage community groups and stakeholders to address rights violations. This contributes to creating strong local ownership of projects, which in turn strengthens the overall sustainability of our interventions.

Our partnerships are based on shared values and objectives, agreed project strategies and clear roles and responsibilities which are formalized in a General Agreement of Cooperation and our Partner Manual. Our partners are responsible for the day-to-day management, monitoring and documentation of their projects, and they submit to us narrative and financial information that covers all stages from project planning to final reporting. Our partners accept to adhere to our programmatic and financial standards, our Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct and our Child Protection Policy. We hold an on-going dialogue with our partners, which includes regular communication, joint workshops, field visits and the analysis of financial and narrative reports. We support our partners through targeted capacity building, e.g. in the areas of child protection, project monitoring or compliance with international donor regulations. Each year we work with selected partners to facilitate external project and strategic evaluations with a view to ensuring joint learning, programmatic development and accountability to our donors and target groups.

Our common goal is to further the rights of children and young people in the respective countries of cooperation. Along with our partners we believe that children have a right to food and medical care. They have a right to have their voices and concerns heard and they have a right to quality education, helping them to discover their own potential and develop it. Together we want to be a trusted partner to children and youth living in poverty. We are committed to working towards a future free of destitution, violence or abuse. Our work is focused on delivering long-term results and on improving living conditions of communities and families in a sustainable manner.

Our work in the project countries is flanked by our advocacy work which is focused on the full implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In recent campaigns MwanAfrika has advocated for the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Child Rights Convention (OP3CRC) which in certain cases allows children from signatory states to bring complaints about violations of their rights directly to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and for an enhanced recognition of early childhood development in German Official Development Assistance. We are also active in development education to sensitize children and adults to global issues that will shape our future. We also contribute to these causes as an active member of all relevant alliances, associations and networks.





    MwanAfrika has existing co-operations with several non-governmental organizations and churches in the respective countries. MwanAfrika works on the basis of long standing partnerships and does not seek new partner organization on a regular basis.

    Therefore MwanAfrika does not respond to proposals or concept notes proactively sent to the head or country offices.

    MwanAfrika coordinates its programs in country via regional offices or contracted consultants. It is through these structures that MwanAfrika identifies and assesses new partners. The selection of partners is actively done on the basis of our country strategies using established civil society networks.

    Should you be interested in working with MwanAfrika, it is recommended to introduce yourself to the concerned in-country coordination structure via established civil society networks or fora. Should your ideas match our country strategy, a systematic assessment can be carried out in country to ascertain whether or not your organization qualifies for a partnership with MwanAfrika.



    No Child Left Behind

    GOAL : 10000 $ RAISED : 0 $

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    New School Teachers

    GOAL : 420000 $ RAISED : 0 $

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    New Kindergarten

    GOAL : 150000 $ RAISED : 0 $

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